Research & Reports
Have Employees Picked Up Bad Security Behaviors While Working From Home?
After more than a year of remote working, offices are reopening and nearly every business is adopting a hybrid working structure, allowing employees to work from home or from the office.
But this significant change in working conditions equals a fundamental shift in security priorities. As businesses plan for the “great return”, certain questions need to be asked:
- Will employees need a refresh on safe cybersecurity behaviors in the workplace?
- How will the threat landscape change?
- What role will the CISO play in the new hybrid workforce?
Download this research to learn why…
- More than half of IT leaders believe employees have picked up bad cybersecurity behaviors since working remotely
- The majority of IT professionals predict a spike in ransomware attacks and targeted phishing scams in the transition back to the office
- Over a quarter of employees are scared to admit they’ve made mistakes that compromise security at work
- CISOs are getting a seat a table when it comes to office reopening plans
This report is ungated. No details required to download.